Happy face on?

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När jag rider så gungar jag inte fram hästen med rumpan för att få den att gå framåt. När jag ska ställa den håller jag stadig yttertygeln och leder med innertygel och formar med skänklarna. Jag för alltså inte fram yttertygeln för att på så sätt få hästen att ställa sig inåt. (Som man rör…

New horse video

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It’s me jumping with Talar again: I also updated this album with pictures from the day before yesterday. Here is some of them: And this one is from today:

Stuff in general

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Here is some pictures that Micke took of me on a horse: Jag till häst In other news, I am now back from Ritsem, will be in Jokkmokk for a little while untill my trip down south. The snow is gone for the most part. Some still remains, and there is water like everywhere! I…

Me like Talar

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I helped in the stable today. It’s this thing we all do, all the horseowners and pupils of the ridingschool gets to work in the stable two weekend days each semester. That way no expensive extra staff during the weekends is needed, and the money we pay to ride there can be a little lower.…

My body hurts

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Great times yesterday! It was only me and Sara in our group, ’cause Anita was too tired or something, and Jill was going to ride Odalia, but she had a limp, so then it was only two… =) We had the best horses and our wonderful instructor Ingela all to ourselves. Ofcourse I was sorry…

To be or not to be and Talar

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There haven’t been updates here. At least not as many as I could have written. I think the reason is that I kind of forgot why I wanted this blog in the first place. I’m trying to figure it out. Do I want it to report my politic views to the world? Or to tell…

My body is tired

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Yesterday was exhausting. Off to vuollerim Sara and I went. And there we met up with Jennifer and went riding again. They have such beautiful surroundings. At one point I allmost wanted to cry… I think my period is on the way. But it was just so beautiful! We had the same horses as last…

2 hours of fun

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Me and Sara had a plan to go to Vuollerim and get ourselves a ride on their horses. So we did! We met up with Johanna and Sara (that was funny, wasn’t it?), and got the horses ready. I got Sweeney (“Svenne”) and Sara got Fabiola. In other words, we got just the horses we…


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I know what the new horsie looks like! Here he is:I don’t know much more than that he is 6 years old. That, and that I am very curious and want to get to know him… Me and Sara just HAD to go check him out today. =) All the other horses, save Promessa, has…