So I read that Paris ACTUALLY is in jail now. Me and BF figured she would get out of it somehow since she’s so famous. Ofcourse she is going to be put in a special part of the prison that is reserved for important people… Nothing in this world is fair, but there is some hope since she did get punnished for what she did. People driving drunk kills people, and I don’t take lightly on that sort of stuff. 23 days in prison seems too little for doing that…
The sad thing is that she’s doing her time in some white-collar part of the prison that’s reserved for politicians and celebrities. This means she’ll be doing her time in some posh cell where she’ll get the same amenities as in the real world.
It’s sad how ”prison” has become ”vacation” if you’re famous or rich enough. Prison for Paris should be a REAL prison where she’d end up someones bitch within half an hour after arriving, not some resort.
Yes, I know about that. But I’m trying real hard to look at this with a positive attitude. I mean maybe we have to be real happy about the little justice we get, since the alternative would be no justice at all…