About sharing culture

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Isecore writes about the fact that Prince (yes I know he is now ”the artist formerly known as Prince” but it takes forever to write) wants to give away CD’s in various ways. He has found new ways to market himself and his music (atleast they might be new to him). Ofcourse the record company…

Just like that

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It’s mice just like the one Henka blogs about that Zelda kills. As I said, maybe they have increased their number this year… or our cats are good hunters. Who knows?

Life on the line

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The picture of me blogging is now up on the website for the photoproject Life on the line! It’s image number 15 under Sweden.

The mouse catching machine

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Zelda just got in with another mouse! Either she is really good at catching them or the forrest-mouse population is really big this year. Good to have a cat that catches them. And so much more natural than putting traps and/or poison all over the place. Not that I would put poison aroung my house.…