Without my parents

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The last week has been very busy. My mother and her boyfriend came to visit, and they brought the boyfriends children too. They had a plan for every hour of every day and the seemed to want to see everything they missed last time. I was confused. Didn’t they see everything last time? Apparently not.…

3 vs Telia

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When i had a problem with my new phone, I called Telia, and they fixed it. Immediately. I didn’t have to explain wich buttons I pressed, or why. They just fixed it. My problem was I couldn’t surf anymore. And it was due to my buttonpressing. And I can surf with my new phone. I…

Where am I?

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I haven’t been writing the same amount of random thoughts as usual here on the blog lately. I thought someone might wonder why… I am wondering down the winding road of making a game for the web. You know, like cs-manager or travian. Only WAY different. I’ve been wanting to play this kind of game…

I just want to know…

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How to put two pictures on top of eachother in css. I want them to be in the exact same spot. That should be easy, right?

Internet Exploder can’t handle a simple .png

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…stupid, isn’t it? PNG’s behave so much better than gifs do for me. They go transparent in ways that a gif wouldn’t dream about doing. So why can’t microsoft get their heads around showing them neatly in a browser for me? I want them to be transparent, kadammit! Firefox does this nicely. Is firefox the…

tränings|värk—aches [from excessive exercise]

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Yesterday Jomi called to see if we wanted to go with him and Sara to Muddus and walk for a bit and then grill some meat. We thought that sounded very nice. We hardly ever get out in the forrest (together). So we did. Jomi and Sara provided us with food since Micke had a…

Stop this stupid censorship of our internet!

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Source for this post: Oscar Swartz post wich I found thanx to Petter. In wich country am I living in? Is this what we want to advertize to our surroundings that we are? We live in a country where the police makes a number of ISP’s censor a number of sites. The reason for censorship…

Sofie! Weeebl!

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New weebl & bob. Finally! I’ll just write like they do on their news page over there: CLICK CLICK


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Sorry, post in swedish. I just can’t translate this!________________________________ När jag läste denna tjuvlyssning kom jag att tänka på vad som hände mig en gång, och som gör att jag förstår precis varför lillgrabben vill fråga efter ”IV”, trots att ”4” inte finns. På Elgiganten:Jag: Hej! Vart har ni TP-sladdar?Expediten fånglor tillbaka: TP sladd?Jag: Har…