Integrity year

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Aparently Rickard Falkvinge has declared that the ”Integrity Year” (integritetsåret) starts now. The reason is that the suggestion about FRA is posponed a for a year before it can be decided upon. That is good news, but greater news would be to have it rejected completely. I feel this may be a lost cause, but…

Food growing in the garden

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I was just about to take a computer break when I found this article. I have to get back to that one! Plants growing by themselves in the wild (or in the garden), just waiting for me to pick them. And then you can eat them! Isn’t that a free lunch? =) In other news,…

Peekaboo and happyscratches

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Me and Zelda had lots of fun last night. She got that ”I’m a crazy kittie”-look on her face, and I wanted to play. I’ve tried chasing her befor, but she didn’t understand she should run… =) She just looked at me. So last night I started to play peekaboo with her. I would hide…