Vegans… why do you do it?

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I let you eat what the hell you want. I won’t preach about food to you. I believe everyone has the right to eat whatever they want. So why do you vegans try to convince me to eat like you? It’s hard to eat vegan food without getting sick, and I love to eat meat…

Sims The Movie

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Susanne Möller (who has my dreamjob, playing games and telling everyone else about it… And getting paid!) pointed us to this article. Susanne can’t grasp the concept of the sims. She cant understand how you can make a movie out of someone going to the bathroom and making dinner. But that’s not what the sims…

No breast cancer for me! (I hope)

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This article tells us that risks of breast cancer increases if you eat well done meat from the barbeque. So my mum might be at risk then. She loves burnt things. Sausages, bread… I’v never heard her ask for burnt meat though. But I suspects she likes it wee-ee-eell done if she gets to choose.…

Mail igen

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From: ”Johanna Julén” Subject: FildelningsartikelTo: Hej!Jag kollade på artikeln på,2789,1079784,00.html Jag undrar, är grafiken en förenkling av vad somverkligen frågades av Sifo? Speciellt den förstafrågan verkar konstigt ställd i statistisk synvinkel.Den kan nämligen tolkas helt vajsing. En medlem iPiratpartiets forum uttryckte sig som så: ”Vilken knasig fråga. Ingår barnpornografi i ”all filmeller liknande”? Innebär…

Colorfull home

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I’ve lived in northern Sweden for over a year now. And I feel it’s my home. It’s strange. When I was younger I couldn’t imagine living this far to the north of Sweden. And I didn’t understand why people that lived up here didn’t simply move south. I didn’t appreciate the long winter. That has… isn’t working well

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Nor is the image-uploading-thing here on blogspot. I’m starting to think that the problem is our connection. It’s not a great one, but most days it works fine for us. Why do you need to get big files all at ones anyway? If it’s worth waiting for, you will. Otherwise, why bother? Anyway, the trouble…

I took a walk in the forrest today

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…and I was going to upload some pics of that here. But they don’t seem to want to get uploaded. It was nice though. The good weather from yesterday was back (it was cloudy this morning). And now I am exhausted. It was a long time since I did that. I actually HAD to stop…

Some pic’s from yesterday

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This must have been the cutest horse and rider I saw all day! And finally a really funny pic I took of Cabulagan! I also found this album full of pictures of the event:Hopptävl. JRK 26-27 maj -07