I’m back!

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After a long trip around selected parts of Sweden, I’m back home! I really missed Jokkmokk, and it’s so wonderful to be here again. All the plants look sad, because noone gave them any water while I was gone… =P But the ones that died didn’t survive. =) That way, the ones that did survive…


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Detta inlägg KOMMER att redigeras, och är till för alla släktingar och sånt som vill veta vad 17 jag önskar mig i år! Jag har ändrat datum så att listan kommer ligga överst ända tills julafton. Håll till godo: Ridhjälm (min gamla är lite sliten) Nya rid-dojjor (mina gamla är jätteslitna) Säkerhetsväst bidrag till ridavgiften…

Mysterious nutritional intake

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So far the things I’ve put in my mouth today include mysterious thai medicine (noone knows what it contains, but it makes sickness go bye bye) caffein pill (I cannot find any coffee here!) green tea gingerbread cookie The cookie was very small too. I am at my moms place and decided to take a…

Feeling better

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I got some medicin from thailand. It’s amazing how well that stuff works, and how hard it is to make any sence at all from the declaration of contents on the jar it comes from… =) We’re going shopping now. If anyone wants to meet with me while I am in Västerås, hurry up, I…

Christmas is around the corner

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We light three candles today and know that christmas eve is not that far away… Last night someone stabbed a busdriver in Västerås (where I am right now). My father has been sick with worries that it might be one of his friends. I hope not. But I also have to wonder how something like…

The evil curse of being female

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Alternative title: Woman whining I had nightmares all night long. It was about lack of time to find my passport. I won’t even need my passport on my trip, but I have some panic about if the time before christmas will be enough. Will I have time to pack my bags? Will the visit at…

Hur svensk är du och din familj?

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[ ] Ditt efternamn slutar på -son? [x] Du känner någon som har samma förnamn som du? [ ] Du känner någon utanför din släkt som har samma efternamn som du? [x] I din familj är ni 2 barn? [x] Din familj bor i villa/hus? [ ] Dom bor i en tätort? [ ] Dina…

Skabram dinner

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We just got home from our neighbour’s house. He invited all of us living in Skabram to dinner. We got very happy when he told us to come, because we honestly don’t get out much around here, and haven’t even met some of the neighbours. At least I haven’t. The food was great (chicken, potatos…

Hormonial day

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Today has been eventful! And my mood has been enjoying some kind of rollercoaster. Because apparently it is THAT time of the month again. Ofcourse Micke knew all about what time of month it was for me, while I was totally oblivious. I have a feeling all of this has happened before and will happen…

Dark times

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It felt like the sun was always up. And then all of a sudden we all realized that the sun is now absent for a majority of the time. This probably happened gradually, but the only time I noticed anything was when the nights started to be dark. I can sence it in me and…