Form in a form

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Apparently I am a very bad programmer. I thought it looked good, and it worked nicely… in firefox. A tip to everyone else out there: Internet Explorer does not handle a form inside a form. Perhaps Firefox shouldn’t either, but it was so nice of it to do! So now I have to go back…


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Ingela liked the new site. She told me to put it as default. I don’t think she really got the concept of “news”, though. She told me to remove the old news on the page. I’ll try to explain tonight. Here it is! All swedish readers, please tell me all that is wrong with it,…

Internet Explorer… *sigh*

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As usuall the page I’ve been making just look like it exploded when viewed in IE (internet exploder). I solved it for now (in a hurry) by making a special .css that can be used without anything exploding in ones face… But I do know how ugly that kind of solution is. How do you…

Trip down south

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I’m planning a trip to my parents during the summer. I want to see everybody, and I miss the climate. The nature is quite different here. In my eyes there are a lot of things missing and not so many things we don’t have down south. I’m not being negative, it is just that everybody…


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Whenever I say “confuse-a-cat”, I mean that I feel like I am the cat in this sketch:

Traveling all day tomorrow

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It seems ALL day tomorrow will be traveling. I need to go by bus since the car is broken and we don’t want to drive the small car we have that far. What about bus then? Well I will go by bus either to vägskäl Ritsem, wait hours and then take the bus to Ritsem.…

Horses makes me well

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Some people told me not to get on a horse today. I crashed a car yesterday after all. But I could only feel that acting sick and not doing what I love to do would make me feel sick and probably make me sick for real. So I did not want to listen to them.…

Up side down

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Yesterday ended in a way that I’ve been kind of expecting a long time. Crashed the car. Got upsidedown and thought I was going to die. I didn’t. Whoever is watching over me did his/her/their job and all that happened to me was I bumped my head against the ceiling of the car. The car…

Different people, different worlds

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I just read this, and I was reminded of how different worlds we all live in. Sometimes I wonder if there is two people that sees the world in the same way, or if noone can ever really quite understand an other person… When I read Susannes thoughts (or rather, the ones she chooses to…