This happened on YouTube…

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Conversation took place here.viddeliten (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam Ah, but now… This was what THEY chose to show pdoeman! It was their initiative. Therefore, no englishman can be blamed for this. Lawrance12 (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam It was his opinion of what they showed, that is different.In…

Sweden = Microsoft Country … really!

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The decision has been made. Sweden is going to vote for Microsoft’s format (OOXML) as an ISO standard format. I got the news here (after hearing about it from Micke), but a more detailed explanation can be found here (and that is in english too!). Apparently you could just wals in to SIS (who has…

Re: SwordofAllah87 a message to you

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I enjoyed this. It has got to be the best video pdoeman has made so far. It was a response to this video: Now, I’m not an atheist, but I don’t like people believing blindly, and not using their brains. Faith in a higher power should be a consious decision, and it should be…

More drawings

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I’m sorry for not having any words lately. There just seems to be very little to say. I found the last ingredience to make juice (syrup?) out of the leaves of our back currant bushes today… So in 3 days we will have something to drink! =) I suspect it will mix very well with…


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The new trailer for Spore: A lot of news today… I’m happy! =) But I would like another video. Allways… =) Because videos gives me the chance to look for what I’m interested in and dream about actually playing the game. Also, I would like to know when they are going to release the creature…

In other news…

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I just read the headlines over at DN Vetenskap. And it seems that there’s an obsession about health in relation to weight and food. I think it’s because people don’t know what to do anymore. There’s too many temptations in a regular store, and by that I don’t mean they shouldn’t be there. It’s just…

OMG are you serious?

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link C’mon! A living being isn’t harmful to nature. It IS nature. Just…. stop it! Next you will be telling us that bridges should be built to shorten peoples walks with the same reasoning! (I’ve actually heard that)

What do you mean?

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I found this web query here. Next to Susannes observation that all ”adults” seem to get some sort of panic if someone is too close to a computer for too long… Now, for non-swedes it asks us what we are most tired of; orch-filled fantasy-games, dystopic (whatever that means) science fiction games, pretend-talking dollhouse games…