USA wants another war

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What a surprise! According to this story (thanks, Mind) Bush says Iran is provocing USA. In a motorboat. Against a warship or something. Very likely. The video is ridicoulus. I could have done that too.…

Snakes – Why?

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Why does people have snakes as pets? I guess the couple abandoning these thought the same… I mean, I have never heard a story of an affectionate snake. I did however hear stories about snakes…

First riding lesson fo the year

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I was sad to learn that we will not be having our usual riding instructor this term. I really really liked her. But the one we will be having is Rosy. I had her once…

I’m back!

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After a long trip around selected parts of Sweden, I’m back home! I really missed Jokkmokk, and it’s so wonderful to be here again. All the plants look sad, because noone gave them any water…


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Pass less judgement on others this year. Spread more love. Be positive towards yourself and others. Above is something to strive towards. I will never be able to fulfill it, but it is a nice…


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Detta inlägg KOMMER att redigeras, och är till för alla släktingar och sånt som vill veta vad 17 jag önskar mig i år! Jag har ändrat datum så att listan kommer ligga överst ända tills…

Mysterious nutritional intake

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So far the things I’ve put in my mouth today include mysterious thai medicine (noone knows what it contains, but it makes sickness go bye bye) caffein pill (I cannot find any coffee here!) green…

Feeling better

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I got some medicin from thailand. It’s amazing how well that stuff works, and how hard it is to make any sence at all from the declaration of contents on the jar it comes from……

Christmas is around the corner

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We light three candles today and know that christmas eve is not that far away… Last night someone stabbed a busdriver in Västerås (where I am right now). My father has been sick with worries…