Spore at E3 2007

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Can be viewed here in better resolution, but their embed-thing doesn’t seem to work… Will it be out soon? Will Wright said late this year, and I am choosing to believe that. No matter what evil rumors get around the net… THIS is what I want for christmas! …but I want it as soon as…

What!?! Seriously…

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Regeringen har idag lagt fram ett lagförslag som innebär att polisen kommer att lämna över fildelarjakten till privata intresseorganisationer inom skiv- och filmbranschen. Dessa organisationer kommer att ha mer långtgående befogenheter än det svenska rättsväsendet. Källa Piratpartiet (min fetstil). My translation: The swedish government has put forth a bill to make the police hand over…

Protesters win

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There will be no blocking of The Pirate Bay in Sweden. The police says that the illegal porn has been taken down. However, TPB owners tells us that they still haven’t heard from the police. The police still haven’t told them what was considered child porn. TPB took some links down that claimed to be…


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Tycker du också det är fel av polisen och göra dessa åtgärder de har gjort mot världens största torrent-tracker? Då ska du absolut skriva på denna namnlistan. Vi tycker precis som alla ni andra som vill skriva på att de ska göra mer smarta åtgärder än att bara stänga ner/blockera ThePirateBay. Försök som att stänga…

Being an addict

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I’ve allways looked out for addictive behaviour in myself. I have relatives that has had problems with alcohol, you see, and I was told it can be genetic. So I figured the genetic thing was addictive behaviour. So I got freaked out when I realized I was addicted to sugar (intaken by drinking soda) a…


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From: “Johanna Julén”Subject: The Pirate BayTo: childabuse@rkp.police.se Hej!Jag vill bara meddela att jag motsätter mig attfildelningsnätverk blockeras med ursäkten attanvändare som ej kontrolleras av sidans ägare harmöjlighet att ladda upp länkar till barnpornografisktmaterial. Jag anser SJÄLVKLART att det är rätt att blockerabarnpornografiska siter! Men nästan på alla platser där man har möjlighet attposta länkar går…

Pirate Bay soon to be censored?

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The police in Sweden don’t know how to stop the pirate bay. The site isn’t illegal even though laws are being updated to get to filesharing. The filesharers are scary, you see. They give freely. They don’t expect to get paid. They think that culture should be seen and heard by the masses (even by…


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Sofie was worried that her and Henkas guinnepigs wouldn’t be well and healthy. She is out of town, and Henka decided to pay us a visit to get some company. But what if the water bottle fell down? Or they get stuck, or… So Henka found a solution. A guinnepig camera! I hope they don’t…