New functions…

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There. Now there is a “jump to”-button on It helps navigating, and also it helped me find useless sub pages that someone had added. That’s good… And because it seemed stupid not to have it, I made so that you can now add a listing of sub categories to a page. Oh, and while…

Horses makes me well

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Some people told me not to get on a horse today. I crashed a car yesterday after all. But I could only feel that acting sick and not doing what I love to do would make me feel sick and probably make me sick for real. So I did not want to listen to them.…

First riding lesson fo the year

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I was sad to learn that we will not be having our usual riding instructor this term. I really really liked her. But the one we will be having is Rosy. I had her once and remember I thought she was good too. I got to ride Talar, and Yamina had ridden her the lesson…

Friends on horses

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Yesterday I did something I had been promising to do since this summer. I took Sofie and Henka to the stable and got them horsebackriding! More pictures on pixbox: Sofie och Henka till häst


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I know what the new horsie looks like! Here he is:I don’t know much more than that he is 6 years old. That, and that I am very curious and want to get to know him… Me and Sara just HAD to go check him out today. =) All the other horses, save Promessa, has…