Webbshop mm

Av Vidde

Nu när valet är över har man tid att fnula med saker igen. Jag har ägnat mig åt att peta runt i hur man kopplar Paypal till betalning i en webbshop i WordPress. Det var lite rörigt. De som gör bra system gör ofta dåliga interface. Och i guider, varför är det inte länkar? “Du…

Rating music files

Av Vidde

I have now made it possible for visitors to rate my music. So far the verdict seem to be my music sux. Well, if you want to change this, just go to music.vidde.org and rate my songs!

Getting my ass out of bed!

Av Vidde

I haven’t let bed yet. But I have been updating my website! Go look for yourself att vidde.org, or more specifically; the music-page! But now it is time to get up. I haven’t even any clothes on! Am I lazy? Nah! I have been working! =)

New functions…

Av Vidde

There. Now there is a “jump to”-button on jokkmokksridklubb.se. It helps navigating, and also it helped me find useless sub pages that someone had added. That’s good… And because it seemed stupid not to have it, I made so that you can now add a listing of sub categories to a page. Oh, and while…


Av Vidde

I thought it was time to make my deklaration of income to skattemyndigheten. But if you are up early like me, it’s not. You have to wait untill 7:00. Why? It’s not like someone over there has to keep a generator for the site going by hand, is it? I can understand if their phone-support…

Form in a form

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Apparently I am a very bad programmer. I thought it looked good, and it worked nicely… in firefox. A tip to everyone else out there: Internet Explorer does not handle a form inside a form. Perhaps Firefox shouldn’t either, but it was so nice of it to do! So now I have to go back…


Av Vidde

Ingela liked the new site. She told me to put it as default. I don’t think she really got the concept of “news”, though. She told me to remove the old news on the page. I’ll try to explain tonight. Here it is! All swedish readers, please tell me all that is wrong with it,…

Internet Explorer… *sigh*

Av Vidde

As usuall the page I’ve been making just look like it exploded when viewed in IE (internet exploder). I solved it for now (in a hurry) by making a special .css that can be used without anything exploding in ones face… But I do know how ugly that kind of solution is. How do you…


Av Vidde

I like you, valign! You are so usefull! You make tables look nice… Why can’t I find a replacement for you in css?