Too tired

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I was extremely tired all day today. I think it was because I drank too much coffee yesterday and got all worked up about everything. See, I have been trying to drink less coffee, and I had managed to get it down to only coffee in the morning. But yesterday I inhaled coffee. -Do you…

Got the job!

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They called me yesterday! I had given up hope of hearing from them since it was later than 17:00. Stupid, when I think about it… I was driving the car at the time. I had just picked up my father, and we had a hysteric time as usual. When the phone started to ring, dad…

A view of the world

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I think I keep seing the world as I hope it is. Whenever I don’t know how things work, I make up the logic behind it and then see it like that. I have at least two good friends that challenge my sometimes fixed views on my surroundings. I hope they never stop doing that!…

So tired

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I got up way too early today. Then I got all nervous before the interview. I don’t know what kind of impression I made, but it did not feel good… I am too tired to think what to do about it right now, because I went over to Amberion and helped him move his stuff…

Second interview

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I am going back today to have a second interview! I jumped up and down a few times after I got called back. =) I really really hope I get this job. It would mean no more hating my job! Most people hopefully don’t understand what I mean (I want everybody to be happy alla…

New functions…

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There. Now there is a ”jump to”-button on It helps navigating, and also it helped me find useless sub pages that someone had added. That’s good… And because it seemed stupid not to have it, I made so that you can now add a listing of sub categories to a page. Oh, and while…


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I have now completed the moving of myself and my stuff to a new town. Or rather, a new place. I have lived in Västerås before, but never in my fathers apartment. Most of my stuff is still in boxes, but I have the most important stuff. My computers and some clothes… I had an…