About sharing culture

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Isecore writes about the fact that Prince (yes I know he is now ”the artist formerly known as Prince” but it takes forever to write) wants to give away CD’s in various ways. He has found new ways to market himself and his music (atleast they might be new to him). Ofcourse the record company…

Just like that

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It’s mice just like the one Henka blogs about that Zelda kills. As I said, maybe they have increased their number this year… or our cats are good hunters. Who knows?

Life on the line

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The picture of me blogging is now up on the website for the photoproject Life on the line! It’s image number 15 under Sweden.

The mouse catching machine

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Zelda just got in with another mouse! Either she is really good at catching them or the forrest-mouse population is really big this year. Good to have a cat that catches them. And so much more natural than putting traps and/or poison all over the place. Not that I would put poison aroung my house.…

2 hours of fun

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Me and Sara had a plan to go to Vuollerim and get ourselves a ride on their horses. So we did! We met up with Johanna and Sara (that was funny, wasn’t it?), and got the horses ready. I got Sweeney (”Svenne”) and Sara got Fabiola. In other words, we got just the horses we…


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I know what the new horsie looks like! Here he is:I don’t know much more than that he is 6 years old. That, and that I am very curious and want to get to know him… Me and Sara just HAD to go check him out today. =) All the other horses, save Promessa, has…

There! (?)

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I used the fact that Microsofts Internet Exploder can’t handle the very useful hackertool // (anyone remember DVD-Jon?), and added some extra stuff to the css code. Now, I didn’t think this was an elegant solution. But then again, IE isn’t elegant. It’s well deserving of the name ”Exploder”. That was what it felt like…

I should know better

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I couln’t resist. I had to. I know I said that there would be no visible difference… Ha! For those of you using IE, I know just how messed up my page looks on there. I just don’t know why. For those of you using firefox, the page now looks pretty nice (at least it…

Formulerad fråga

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Hur lägger man såna där div-rutor precis till höger om en annan div-ruta? Det är ju (iaf i mitt huvud) fulkod att ange hur många pixlar in från vänster kant på fönstret de ska ligga…


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Stupid things (that I don’t even know what to call) that wont put themselves where I tell them!!! I’ve been experimenting with css, and everything went on fine untill I tried to put everything in the right place. It feels like everything is just flying around without me having any control or understanding of the…