
Av Vidde

Stupid things (that I don’t even know what to call) that wont put themselves where I tell them!!! I’ve been experimenting with css, and everything went on fine untill I tried to put everything in the right place. It feels like everything is just flying around without me having any control or understanding of the…


Av Vidde

I’ve just been with Henka and Sofie to Henka’s mother. She reads cards. It’s amazing how relevant a bunch of cards can be to your life. I wonder if we make them relevant with our imagination or if there is something more to it. None of the possibilities can be ruled out, but that doesn’t…

Invisible design

Av Vidde

I’m trying to teach myself how this css-stuff works. The reason I started looking into it was kind of crazy. As usual, I got an idea that I wanted to do. But it was like if someone that didn’t know how to build a house decided to build a cathedral or something… That won’t happen,…

The big and dangerous hunter

Av Vidde

We have a hunter in the house. She is called Zelda, and yesterday she caught a mouse! I don’t really know where she found it, but all of a sudden she was terrorizing it all over the place. I don’t think she was sure what to to with it at first. She kept hitting it…