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One that plays sims a lot might wonder if there is a cheesecake bakery in the town where this happened. At a kindergarten in London, five twins is in the same class/gruop (or what they call it). In sims, if you eat cheesecake while pregnant, you increase the chances of having twins.

Socks and sandals

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Someone wanted to know if it is socially acceptable to wear socks while in sandals. The answer was that noone is particularly interested in your bare legs, so you shouldnt be wearing shorts, miniskirts or even a small top in the city. My only question is, why do people care? If someone wants to wear…

La Stocka

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I recently found out that this beautiful lady is well and happy. That is good. I was worried about her. She didn’t work out too well for a riding school. But she is a wonderful horse and someone realized that. I am not too sure about the specifics, but though the wonders of pixbox, I…

Cats and dogs

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Aparently, when a cat that has never met a dog before finally meets one, she reacts instinctively. She just KNOWS the dog is evil! Or at least very scary. How come? Sara took ?abu here today, and we decided it was time for her and Zelda to meet. Outside. So that the inside would not…

Hibernation test succesfull

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There! Hibernation now works very well. Thanks Henka! Now turning off the machine to save power won’t have that negative effect of everything closing… unless I want it to. Wonderful! =) This is how to to it in swedish (because I could not translate, sorry): start->inställningar->kontrollpanelen->energialternativKlicka sedan på fliken för viloläge och kryssa i aktiveringsrutan.…

Feelings and games

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I’ve played some Travian lately. It’s a fun game, and it’s not confusing when you start to learn how to play. Later it gets more complicated, but you have time to learn while growing. It’s well made, in other words. But you have to cooperate with people in it. Or be hostile towards them. It’s…

So low

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Why is the numbers for Vänsterpartiet so low? Doesn’t people get Ohly? I thought he was great last time I saw him. If it wasn’t for all the integrity issues in our country, I would give him my vote. Or if he declared that Vänsterpartiet would happily cooperate with Piratpartiet. Why don’t you, Ohly? If…

Integrity year

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Aparently Rickard Falkvinge has declared that the “Integrity Year” (integritetsåret) starts now. The reason is that the suggestion about FRA is posponed a for a year before it can be decided upon. That is good news, but greater news would be to have it rejected completely. I feel this may be a lost cause, but…

Food growing in the garden

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I was just about to take a computer break when I found this article. I have to get back to that one! Plants growing by themselves in the wild (or in the garden), just waiting for me to pick them. And then you can eat them! Isn’t that a free lunch? =) In other news,…

Peekaboo and happyscratches

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Me and Zelda had lots of fun last night. She got that “I’m a crazy kittie”-look on her face, and I wanted to play. I’ve tried chasing her befor, but she didn’t understand she should run… =) She just looked at me. So last night I started to play peekaboo with her. I would hide…