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Av Vidde

Jobbkompisen har startat en artikelsamling i kronologisk ordningsföljd som han vägrar kalla för blogg. Det vill inte jag heller göra eftersom jag inte hittat någon kommentarsfunktion hos honom. Nåja, man kan ju alltid mäjla. Men han skriver mycket underhållande om våra konsumentbeteenden och om onödvändigheten därav. Verkar det som. Gå och kolla själv. Jag lovar…

Woke up smiling…

Av Vidde

…which was really surprising considering some stuff happened last night, that really did not make me happy. But then I had a nice long conversation with a friend. That cheered me up. And then me and dad watched the first episode of Pistvakt. Mindless comedy and nostalgia… Sometimes that is just what you need. Maybe…


Av Vidde

It’s amazing that you can be so grumpy and tired, and then just drink some coffee and turn on some music and go to a party and have all the energy in the world! A bunch of old friends from ducknet had gathered at Larssas place. Then we had a party with all the traditions…