It’s one of my fauvorite foods. Too bad it takes a long while to make it.
- Take some frozen cod fillet (only this time I am using something labeled ”hoki” since I seem to remember hearing something about cod being in danger of extinction)
- Put the fish as it is in some kind of container that can endure the heat of the oven
- Turn the oven on and put some onions and salt and pepper on the fish
- Possibly put some water on the fish
- Put it all in the oven
- Boil some eggs and dice them
- Melt some butter in a saucepan together with a bouillon cube (of wich kind you like. I am using a vegetable one today)
- Add som flour.
- Stir for a while
- Remove from heat
- But in some of the water from the fish (if there is any) and some tap water
- Stir
- Put back on the heat and stir untill a satisfactory consistency is achieved
- Put the eggs on top of the fish and put the sauce on top of that
- Let it all sit in the oven for a really long while. Possibly stir from time to time to see what is up with the fish. Add some water if nessecary
- Depending of the consistency of it all, serve as soup or with potatoes or something
Yes, I do realize that I have no clue about timespans or quantities. I never do. I just can’t see the fun in creating if I am measuring it all… Maybe I will boil some potatoes now! =)
Best cooking is made from trial and error, taste and feeling, not messuring toold and timers…
And as far as I know, you make great food! And so does Jennifer think 🙂
Well, if I may say so myself, this too was a success! =)
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