I just saw Zeitgeist, and I don’t want to hear another argument about religion or 911 or terrorism or war from anyone that hasn’t seen this movie!
There is some facts that can not be overlooked in this film. For example; We heard from US government that they could not have imagined anyone using a commersial jet as a weapon before 911. Yet, they say that they could not intercept these planes, as there was lots of confusion because of the drill of THE EXACT SAME THING happening at THE SAME TIME!
Personally, I think there’s just too many questionmarks around the whole thing, and has been from the start.
And if you are not going to watch it for anything else, watch it because there is some very enlightening facts about religions in the beginning of it. That part should be shown at schools. I can hardly believe that I have actually been through so many years of having “religion” as one of my classes, and still didn’t know these simple facts!
Just go see it!
EDIT: Oh, oh! I just told you to see it! Remember that. I did NOT tell you to believe everything in it. I want you to think for yourself, even if that is pretty much what the movie tells you too… =) Some things in it, however, are undeniable. Other things you are welcome to debunk for me. Mind allready tried and failed. Are you better than him? 😉
You actually fell for it? Amazing!
Yes I did! I fell for the propaganda to never just follow, to think for myself. I also fell for the urge to question things, even if they are told to me by a government.
And yes, I totally belived that there is a “son of god” in most religions, and that the origin for these religions lies in astronomy and the movement of the sun. The ones that don’t tend to worsip a whole bunch of gods or no gods at all.
Me, I think religion can be good, but that you should never be a part of a church or anything else that tells you how to practice your own religion.
What are your views on the film?
Fantastisk film! Det är första gången jag har sett alla de här sambanden förklaras på ett sätt som inte automatiskt kan pekas ut som fåniga konspirationsteorier, och det är värdefullt.
Jag hoppas att fler tar sig tid till att se filmen, den kan faktiskt förändra hela synen på livet och mänskligheten för många människor. Alla väljer naturligtvis själva hur stor del de vill (eller vågar) tro på, men precis som Micke skrev så finns det många poänger som man inte kan bortse ifrån. Viktiga poänger.
“Zeitgeist” rekommenderas starkt, se den! Alla! Det är värt det, jag lovar!
Komplettera gärna Zeitgeist med dokumentärer som ‘Why We Fight’, ‘No End In Sight’ och ‘The Corporation’. Först och främst föreslår jag att alla ska lyssna på John Taylor Gatto, en lärare med oerhört intressanta saker att säga om skolsystemets historia och funktion. Slå upp honom på Google Video, där han intervjuas av Lennart Mogren, eller gräv fram ‘Gatto’s Seven Lessons’ på nätet och läs det.