What!?! Seriously…

Av Vidde

Regeringen har idag lagt fram ett lagförslag som innebär att polisen kommer att lämna över fildelarjakten till privata intresseorganisationer inom skiv- och filmbranschen. Dessa organisationer kommer att ha mer långtgående befogenheter än det svenska rättsväsendet. Källa Piratpartiet (min fetstil). My translation: The swedish government has put forth a bill to make the police hand over…

Protesters win

Av Vidde

There will be no blocking of The Pirate Bay in Sweden. The police says that the illegal porn has been taken down. However, TPB owners tells us that they still haven’t heard from the police. The police still haven’t told them what was considered child porn. TPB took some links down that claimed to be…