Trouble with links

Av Vidde

It bothered me that I had used ’id’ on so many locations on my site where I should have used ’class’. I decided to fix it. It should be pretty simple, right? After me changing all the ’#shouldbeclassname’ to ’.shouldbeclassname’ and all ’id=”shouldbeclassname”’ to ’class=”shouldbeclassname”’, everything worked the same. With one exception. The link colours…

I’m up

Av Vidde

There. I did the best I could, and I DO recognize myself in the game. Get me for your sims game over here!

Many visitors

Av Vidde

There has now been so many visitors to this blog since I put histats on it, that the ”last 1000” thing is full. However the actual number of visitors seems to be 788 (unique visitors, that is). I get most enjoyment out of looking at where everybody is from. Here’s a graphic: