Hoppsan hejsan! Ja, det är ju tur att jag inte läste det där för en vecka sen! Då hade jag blitt ännu mer deppig. Fråga inte varför. Jag fungerar så bara.

”According to the DSM-IV-TR criteria for diagnosing a major depressive disorder ( (see also: DSM cautionary statement) one or both of the following two required elements need to be present:

* Depressed mood, or
* Loss of interest or pleasure.

It is sufficient to have either of these symptoms in conjunction with four of a list of other symptoms, these include:

* Feelings of overwhelming sadness or fear, or seeming inability to feel emotion.
* Marked decrease of interest in pleasurable activities.
* Changing appetite and marked weight gain or weight loss.
* Disturbed sleep patterns, either insomnia or sleeping more than normal.
* Changes in activity levels, restless or moving significantly slower than normal.
* Fatigue, both mental and physical.
* Feelings of guilt, helplessness, anxiety, and/or fear.
* Lowered self-esteem.
* Decreased ability to concentrate or make decisions.
* Thinking about death or suicide.”

Jag vet inte vad fatigue betyter, men de andra punkterna stämde ju… Men inte längre. Jag har ätit mer på sista tiden. Kan bero på det. Eller så har jag bara kommit igenom det. Inte vet jag. Ingen lust att ta reda på det heller…