
Av Vidde

Tycker denna reklam är megakul… =) “If you stop for a fikabreak, then it’s a new shotgun!”. Hilarious!


Av Vidde

The new trailer for Spore: A lot of news today… I’m happy! =) But I would like another video. Allways… =) Because videos gives me the chance to look for what I’m interested in and dream about actually playing the game. Also, I would like to know when they are going to release the creature…

Spore at E3 2007

Av Vidde

Can be viewed here in better resolution, but their embed-thing doesn’t seem to work… Will it be out soon? Will Wright said late this year, and I am choosing to believe that. No matter what evil rumors get around the net… THIS is what I want for christmas! …but I want it as soon as…