Gah. Stupid slow internet connection… I suppose I will have to wait for a while before using Spore Creature Creator. And also, I seem to need to upgrade. 2Ghz? So ka? Nandattebayo! I don’t have that!
Anyways, the free version can be downloaded from here.
2ghz? Afaik you have a 3ghz singel-core Pentium 4. That is, a slow fucker. But still more then 2ghz.
But I take those numbers with a grain of salt, if this game is going to be anything made the past 3 years the CPU req. is alot higher, probably 1.6ghz c2d or 3.0+ ghz P4D. Considering i have WAY over the min req. for sims 2 and still it’s slow as moleasses, and spore is not looking any less demanding.
I forse a upgrade for spore (atleast on sofies gaming Pc wich is a 3.4ghz P4 dualcore with 2gb ram and X850XT card).
Sorry for the mumbojumbo..
Luckily, a good CPU and VGA card is realy cheap today.
Gah. I was confused. But I am not sure I actually could run this thing on my laptop…