I just read that several newspapers will have the same headline on the front page today. That they are not approved by the government.
My thoughts immediately goes to the fact that if you want the constitutional right of free speach on your blog, you need to register it with the government and apparently pay 2000 SEK.
I can’t afford that even if I do have a job! I would have been able to afford it if the income from the blog was more than that. But ehm… I don’t make much if any money from this… I had some TLA’s for a while but they went away for some reason. Maybe because I stopped linking to DN to get more readers…
Anyways, the POINT is that “speach” definately should be redefined. If I go out and shout about what I have written in my blog, I suppose I have the freedom of speach, but as long as I write it in my blog, I don’t.
So if I write about someone here, I might have to tell FRA or whoever about the identity of that person. That sux harder than Bill Gates…
Your “facts” are, as far as I can think, misinterpretions. As long as you are a Swedish citicen, you are implicitly covered by Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen. You might, though, register your web site as a newspaper, which will protect it by Tryckfrihetsförordningen, and I can guess that it will cost about 2000 SEK. A little quote from Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen (1991:1469):
Varje svensk medborgare är gentemot det allmänna tillförsäkrad rätt enligt denna grundlag att i ljudradio, television och vissa liknande överföringar samt filmer, videogram, ljudupptagningar och andra tekniska upptagningar offentligen uttrycka tankar, åsikter och känslor och i övrigt lämna uppgifter i vilket ämne som helst. […] Med tekniska upptagningar avses i denna grundlag upptagningar som innehåller text, bild eller ljud och som kan läsas, avlyssnas eller på annat sätt uppfattas endast med tekniskt hjälpmedel.
For once it is nice to be wrong! =) see you in a couple of days, I hope?