We light three candles today and know that christmas eve is not that far away…
Last night someone stabbed a busdriver in Västerås (where I am right now). My father has been sick with worries that it might be one of his friends. I hope not. But I also have to wonder how something like this can happen. I just don’t get the whole violence thing…
I’m a little worried about my health too, because I feel like someone was sitting on my chest all night when I was sleeping, and that feeling just won’t go away…
But yesterday was my father’s birthday, and we ate good food and drank gooood wine. It might have gotten a little much, but who cares? =)
Today’s plan is unclear. But I’m sure we will find something productive to do. Turn the salmon over, for example!
Btw, this was the 1000:th post on this blog. Weee!
Lucky lucky bastard! We lit no candles at all yesterday, vi va i pållem-åive og skilja renar for brennende livet.
Thank you for reminding me that the third candle shouldve been lit yesterday! I had all forgotten. I hope youre fine and that it wasnt your pa`s pal. *liegga buorre*