The evil curse of being female

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Alternative title: Woman whining I had nightmares all night long. It was about lack of time to find my passport. I won’t even need my passport on my trip, but I have some panic about…

Has a christmas tradition died?

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I just read that yesteryear’s method to stop the burning of the Gällivarebocken was so successfull that they are using the same one this year. I think this is very bad! It was a tradition!…


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Micke said such wonderfully true things about programming yesterday! Here’s a translation Bugs are literally problems you created for yourself, yet they are so hard to avoid. It has to do with entropy. The eternal…

Great injustice towards horseback riding people

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——————– Svenskspråkiga kan läsa vad det handlar om här! ——————– Every thursday I go to the stable and get educated in the fine art of riding a horse. It really is a fine art, but…

Superficial society

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I found this on DN’s front page on the internets. I just makes me woner about people. Why do everyone care so much about appearance? I’ve never really gotten the point of it. Sure I…

Hur svensk är du och din familj?

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[ ] Ditt efternamn slutar på -son? [x] Du känner någon som har samma förnamn som du? [ ] Du känner någon utanför din släkt som har samma efternamn som du? [x] I din familj…