About sharing culture

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Isecore writes about the fact that Prince (yes I know he is now “the artist formerly known as Prince” but it takes forever to write) wants to give away CD’s in various ways. He has found new ways to market himself and his music (atleast they might be new to him). Ofcourse the record company…

Just like that

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It’s mice just like the one Henka blogs about that Zelda kills. As I said, maybe they have increased their number this year… or our cats are good hunters. Who knows?

Life on the line

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The picture of me blogging is now up on the website for the photoproject Life on the line! It’s image number 15 under Sweden.

Formulerad fråga

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Hur lägger man såna där div-rutor precis till höger om en annan div-ruta? Det är ju (iaf i mitt huvud) fulkod att ange hur många pixlar in från vänster kant på fönstret de ska ligga…


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I’ve just been with Henka and Sofie to Henka’s mother. She reads cards. It’s amazing how relevant a bunch of cards can be to your life. I wonder if we make them relevant with our imagination or if there is something more to it. None of the possibilities can be ruled out, but that doesn’t…

The big and dangerous hunter

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We have a hunter in the house. She is called Zelda, and yesterday she caught a mouse! I don’t really know where she found it, but all of a sudden she was terrorizing it all over the place. I don’t think she was sure what to to with it at first. She kept hitting it…


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This is a funny way to take photos! Micke gave me this link.

La Stocka

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There is now more pictures of La Stocka. She looks really happy! =)

Midsummer weekend

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I was all over the place this friday. I didn’t sleep well, and then everything seemed to happen at once. And then everyone wanted information about what was going on (including me), but everyone was too busy to tell everyone else or listen to what they said. Gah! But it ended well. Barbeque and nice…

Lägga ned CSN?

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Nu vill tydligen centern lägga ned CSN. Jag har hört förslaget förut, men då var det folk från MUF som förespråkade det för mig i diskussioner som inte alltid höll sig på en vuxen nivå från deras sida… Visst, de har en vision om att reglerna ska vara desamma, men att servicen ska bli bättre.…