New music!

Av Vidde

Oh, yes! Another free song is coming your way! It’s a lot like my mind right now and has the slightly misleading name “Do it”. It had a more depressing title, but after I put in the… ahem… lyrics, what choice did I have? Micke described the song as kind of ambient, wich is what…

Experiences from Spore

Av Vidde

This made me happy: NOTE: I am recovering all of this from a very brief and unclear memory. I’d guess that 20% of what I’m sputtering is at least slightly incorrect… but I know a lot of basics that weren’t clear before. In addition, if you were wondering, my creature looked a bit like its…

I agree!

Av Vidde

Since there is nothing in this article that I don’t agree with, I have to give you a link to it… Go read it, swedish people! And then go listen to my music! =)

Spore is coming to mac too…

Av Vidde

But I have no idea when this is going to happen. Except it will happen at the same time as the game comes to PC… whenever that is! There is talk about march 1:st, but that’s just the zillionth date I’ve heard, so I’ll believe it when the game goes gold.