I’ve got a plant in my window that I don’t know what it is. I don’t remember, and I got it from my boyfriends mother. It is, as is all my plants easy to handle. If I forget to give it water one week, no big deal! I wonder how long it could go without water… It’s nice to have that kind of plants, because you don’t have to ask someone to take care of them if you are going away. Just give them water when you come home, and they will soon be back to normal!

But thing is, now this plant has got flowers! And they are strange ones… They are solid bumbs of pink. Weird… I think it’s the location that makes it bloom. It’s the same window where that other plant went into blossoms.

Other plans for today is cleaning so that there is no hazard for little kitties… I don’t think it is now, but I won’t know untill I’ve checked. And also I will try to get my stuff together for tomorrow. We are going to Tårrajaur to watch Anna-Ida and Ninas cats for a few days (untill saturday), and then Zelda comes home with us!

I wish I was more excited, but all I do is worry…

EDIT: I uploaded the pictures. They didn’treally come out…